Beogradski radio - amaterski klub YU1ANO

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Danas 9

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Ove nedelje 171

Ovog meseca 580

Do sada 42719

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YT1914CER   YT1914DRI    YT1914KOL



The Belgrade Amateur Radio Club is implementing the project "Glory to the Winners", financed by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia which is dedicated to the battles of the Serbian Army in 1914 to defend the homeland in the World War I.

According to the project plan "Glory to the winners", after marking the Cer Battle and going to Tekeris, preparations were made for marking the Drina Battle - so we gat trip to Gucevo.

The central commemoration of the Gučevo Battle is planned for September 12, 2021, so we planned the beginning of  activities of the call sign YT1914DRI on amateur radio frequencies just on that date.

We took a trip to Gučevo with two cars at early morning on September 12, 2021, Boro YU4JJ, Zvonko YT1WA and Siniša YU1RA, in order to install the equipment and antenna on time.

We arrive at the Memorial Ossuary around 8:30 AM. We were greeted by nice weather and a wonderful view of western Serbia.

We have chosen the south side of the imposing monument for the location of the radio station, in order to leave as much passage as possible for the visitors marking the 107th anniversary of the Gučevo Battle.

At around 10 o'clock, we started with first amateur-radio QSO's. The morning propagations does not help us, but we manage to maintain continuity.
The first visitors are coming, so,  we radio amateurs were noticed.

Around noon, Jelena and Karlo YU1FX arrive, which beautifies the event itself.
Propagations are improving, so there are much more QSOs. Correspondents often ask where we are, which gives a special charm to our activity.

In the afternoon we pack the equipment and prepare to return. On the way back, we stop in Sabac and visited Aleks YT3EE, who was very important logistical support for us.

The organizer of the event, the Cultural Center "Vuk Karadzic" Loznica, supported our project and included us in the program of marking the Gucevo Battle, and we thank them for support.
We express our direct gratitude to the Jadar Museum - Loznica.

video: RTV Podrinje Loznica
video: Dejan Damjanovic

The "Glory to the Winners" project is funded by

Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia

"The views expressed in these publications are the sole responsibility of the author and his collaborators and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Ministry of Defense."


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